Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Rahul Gandhi was detained at the Boston Airport. - EVERY INDIAN SHOULD KNOW ABOUT THIS BLACK MONEY

Open letter to the authority by Milap Choraria (http://milapchorari a.tripod. com/msp)


Subject: Sir, the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, Dr. Manmohan Singhji, Voters of India, have a Fundamental Right to Know, that what is the actual figure of black money being slashed by Indians in Swiss banks and other tax havens. And Sir, how can you give a Certify Shri Rahul Gandhi to be Qualified for the Office of Prime Minister of India, ignoring the qualifications fixed by the Indian Constitution itself?

Hon’ble Prime Minister of India Dr. Manmohan Singh Ji,
In a News dateline 10th April, 2009, of the “Yahoo News”, it was reported by Indo Asian News Service, that Sir, you had interalia said that “figure of up to $1.4 trillion of black money being slashed by Indian in Swiss banks and other tax haven was ‘bogus’.” Sir you also pointed out that at last week’s G-20 summit in London ‘every effort was made to ensure that the banking system functioning as openly as possible.’, and that “The tax havens are being asked to function in a manner which will ensure that people who want to keep their black money will find it difficult to do so.” . Sir, the statement made by you clearly indicates that the actual figure of black money being slashed by Indians in Swiss banks and other tax haven are well within the knowledge of the Government of India.

Before focusing on the actual issue of this Letter, I must mention here that during your tenure as Finance Minister of India, I had the privilege to have occasions to participate, during 5 consecutive Pre-Budget Discussions, called by Your own-good-self, in my capacity as Honorary General Secretary of Indian Council of Small Industries (ICSI), along with it’s the then President (late) Shri S. S. Singhania. I also had occasions to meet your-good-self, as one of the members of respective delegations. Sir, one such meeting was held in your the then Office at North Block, arranged by Dr. Ashok Desai, the then Adviser to the Finance Minister, in which Addl. Banking Secretary was also present as per our request. (A photo of the said meeting is posted at: http://milapchorari a.tripod. com/msp). Sir, during the said meeting, we invited your kind attention with regard to one of your alleged statement that appeared in the Newspapers, claiming thereby that Banks are heavily suffering, due to Loans at cheaper rates of Interests to SSI Sector. Sir, during our discussions you took care to deny about giving any such statement. However, we submitted an important fact that Banks were suffering due to Long Term Housing Loans to its own Employees on the interest rates, between 0% to 5% per annum. Thus the quantum of the total loans thus granted to the Employees on that particular account, from all the Banks, was more than the entire amount of loan granted to the entire SSI Sector. Sir, since this was a new disclosure for you, you took care to enquire about the factual position from the Addl. Banking Secretary, who confirmed it. In the same meeting we also brought to your kind notice that on the contrary, in fact the SSI Sector is subsidizing the Banks by paying a higher rate of interest than what is reasonably chargeable (Fund Cost + 3 % international prevailed system). Sir, as a result, under your very kind guidance, the very next day, Banks reduced 1% interest for the SSI Sector. Sir, I am mentioning this story because, everything is not possible to examine personally by your good-self. Therefore, it is very likely that with regard to the aforesaid matter of black money being slashed by Indian in Swiss banks and other tax haven might not have been examined by you personally and respective Public Servants may not have been giving you a correct picture.

In fact, in India, the matter of the money being slashed by Indian in Swiss banks was raised by me as early as 1976, and that particular matter was published and highlighted in the Economic Times and consequently the then Industry Minister Mr. T. A. Pai, gave an assurance in Parliament to conduct an enquiry. I very much doubt that any such enquiry was ever held. In the year of 2005, once again, I raised the issue of the Indian Black Money being slashed by Indian in Swiss banks and sent large Number of the representations to Swiss Authorities, as well as to Indian Authorities including your good-self, through Email as well as through hard copies. In those representations, I had submitted my own assessment of the black money being slashed by Indian in Swiss banks. The aforesaid representations included the ones dated 18/05/2005 to the then President of Swiss Confederation Mr. Samuel Schmid; dated 6th June, 2005, addressed to President of India; dated 1st July, 2005 and an Appeal dated 15th July, 2005, to UNO SG Shri Kofi A. Annan. Copies of all these representations were also sent to Your good-self.Sir, even at that point of time, any Public Authority never raised any doubt on my aforesaid assessment, neither took any steps to knew the true figures from the Swiss Authority, nor took any steps for retrieval of the black money being slashed by Indian in Swiss banks.   

On or about 15th April, 2008, a message regarding Deposits in Banks located in the territory of Switzerland by nationals of following countries:
India----        $1456 billion
Russia-----       $470 billion
UK --------        $390 billion
Ukraine           $100 billion
China ------      $96 billion,

was forwarded by one CA, from Chennai to one of my CA friend from Delhi , who in turn forwarded the same to me, keeping in view my activities, against Indian Black Money in Swiss Banks since 2005. The figure shown in the aforesaid Email was more or less affirmative in nature with my aforesaid own assessment made in the year of 2005. The source of Information in the Email message was a Report of Swiss Bankers Association. As such, before publishing it, I wanted to verify the same and hence I sent Emails to Swiss Bankers Association, to confirm or deny the Report. They did not respond to my aforesaid Emails, which indicates that the Report was correct, but they do not want to confirm the same officially. Thereafter, I published it in my List. From that day the said message is being copied by various individuals and organizations, and within a weak there from, my aforesaid message was also copied by the Transparency International India Chapter, and used it in a Press Statement. That was published by the Times of India as its Lead News Item of the day. On the very same day Shri Lal Krishna Advani, Leader of Opposition, telephoned your good-self, which was also published in the Times of India. Then only the matter became a focus of National Issue. Swami Ramdeoji has also raised the Issue, mentioning the same figures. Now, the ‘Issue’ has been posted in large numbers of Websites. However, no one can claim that he has publicly raised such figures, prior to me.  

The Global Financial Integrity (A USA based program of the Center for International Policy, Washington) (GFIP) have described illicit financial flow from developing countries, and described top ten countries with highest Non-Normalized illicit Financial Flows, 2002-2006. For India ’s such annual flow during the said period from 2002 to 2006, average were estimated about $35 billions. This study also indicates that aforesaid figures of 1.45 Trillion Dollars black money is slashed from India to Swiss Banks most tentatively correct. GFIP in its Press Release dated 02/04/2009, also stated that G-20 must combat illicit capital flight to alleviate poverty in developing countries, claiming therein that “Every year developing countries lose as much as $1 trillion due to illicit financial practices such as government corruption, tax evasion, and criminal activity. Today's pledge from the G-20 to increase funding for the IMF and for the developing world are laudable, but these efforts must also address illicit capital flight which remains the greatest impediment to economic development and poverty alleviation. Global Financial Integrity Director, Raymond Baker said "increasing aid will be marginally effective as long as the so-called shadow financial system remains intact. Comprised of tax havens, secrecy jurisdictions, and a host of other entities and techniques designed to shift assets across borders illicitly, this global network is facilitating a draining of assets which outpace official development aid at a rate of 10 to one. Corinna Gilfillan of Global Witness said "We welcome the G-20's declaration that the ‘era of banking secrecy is over'. This is a crucial step forward in preventing corrupt money flows from going through the financial system. As shown in our recent report ‘Undue Diligence', major banks are facilitating corruption and looting of natural resource revenues in the world's poorest countries, denying these countries the chance to lift themselves out of poverty. The G20 must act quickly to end banking secrecy and also take robust measures to strengthen the Financial Action Task Force and its review process so that it is an important tool in the fight against corrupt money." "Official development assistance in 2008 was the highest in history," said Baker. "The plain truth of it is that sending more development aid to poor countries is not a panacea. We need to implement measures which will curtail these illicit financial outflows and allow developing countries to fully utilize development aid."

GFIP’s March 27, 2009 - document : As G20 leaders prepare to meet in London to try to agree how to maintain financial stability in the present economic meltdown, a new report reveals for the first time the massive global cost of tax dodging by big business. New research commissioned by Christian Aid shows how billions of pounds are lost each year to countries both rich and poor. The report, False Profits: robbing the poor to keep the rich tax-free, is a shocking indictment of a financial system that allows such abuse to thrive. The Report Considers the Use of Trade Mispricing by Multinational Companies to Avoid Taxes, through False profits: robbing the poor to keep the rich tax-free (2009), according to which the developing countries attending the London G20 summit — Argentina, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico and South Africa — will be interested to know from the details, GFIP have uncovered that they lost a total of £119.5bn in capital flight to their counterparts across the table, the EU and US, between 2005 and 2007. Meanwhile, the world’s poorest countries lost £5.78bn in the same period. Sir, Being the World famous Economist, following facts must have been put in your knowledge by your assistants that the total annual capital flow through bilateral trade mispricing from India to EU and US by countries between 2005-2007 is 3603 (Million GBP), total tax revenue lost to US by Countries is 1315 (Million GBP), to UK by Countries is 3,076 (Million GBP), annual capital flow resulting from bilateral trade mispricing from India to EU27 by countries for 2005-2007is9157.3 (Million EUR) resulting total Tax Loss in three years is 3351.58 (Million EUR), whereas these amounts for US by countries is 6802.03 and 2489.543 (Million USD) respectively. Sir, for what, India is paying such huge cost, if the EX-WORLD Bank Employees, holdings Controlling Top Economic Offices, in India, are not responsible to ensure such flow of false profits from the pockets of the Poor Indians, against huge amounts of Pension in Dollar Currency? Similarly, there are several other figures, which can also be cited here. These reports suggesting that the concerned public authorities are not responsible and accountable for public good.

Dr. Subramanium Swamy, in his Website has posted and published photocopies of some documents to justify prima-facie that KGB had deposited about 2 billion Dollars in numbered Swiss Bank Account in favour of Shri Rajiv / Rahul Gandhi. Now, in view of the Constitutional Guarantee of Equality before Law an Important question is that whether, Government has ever tried to find out the veracity of the aforesaid allegations? If Smt. Sonia Gandhi and Shri Rahul Gandhi feel that the aforesaid allegations are untrue and published just with intention to malign them, then they ought to have filed defamation case to take injection order against continuation of the aforesaid publication by Dr. Subramanium Swamy, in his website. On 6th October, 2006, a Full Page advertisement was also published in the World Famous Newspaper: New York Times, with some of the same allegations against Smt. Sonia Gandhi and Shri Rahul Gandhi. In the aforesaid advertisement the matter of $2 billion having been deposited in Swiss Bank by KGB in a numbered account of Rajiv / Rahul Gandhi, and that Rahul Gandhi was detained for few hours at the Boston Airport, along with huge illicit money, was also published. Earlier the matter was also published in ‘The Hindu’ too. Smt. Sonia Gandhi arranged to file three defamation Suits, and reportedly, till date all the aforesaid three Suits were dismissed, because under the respective law of USA, defamation suit can be filed only by a person or organization, who actually feels defamed. Whereas Smt. Sonai Gandhi or Rahul Gandhi escaped from filing the defamation case themselves, as if they have not felt to have been defamed, thus it gives an impression that the allegations published in the New York Times had some iota of truth. Dr. Subramanium Swamy also mentioned in his Website that CBI replied him that unless an FIR is lodged, a formal judicial request to Swiss Government cannot be submitted to know the details about the aforesaid KGB Deposits and names of the users. 

As regards the personal honesty of Smt. Sonia Gandhi and Shri Rahul Gandhi is concerned, I have some revealing experiences. In my High Court Writ Petition against them, instead of filing their respective Vakalatnamas, to resolve the matter Judiciously, they took recourse to misuse the Government Machinery, to get Unconstitutional Orders against the lure of gratification of promotion by way of appointment of the respective Judges as Chief Justices of Other High Courts, and thus got the Order(s) of Dismissal of my Writ Petition, which was filed with the concrete evidences of facts, on record with regard toacknowledgement of their allegiance to the Constitution and State of Italy are irrevocably and permanently prevails. This stoutly suggestsabout the fact regarding their controls over the reins of the Powers from the Backseat Driving of the Office of the Prime Minister.

Now, Sir, as per your aforesaid statement the “figure of up to $1.4 trillion of black money being slashed by Indian in Swiss banks and other tax haven was ‘bogus’.” Alright, Sir, Being the Prime Minister of India , your information has to be more reliable. However, Sir, as I have already stated that your aforesaid statement in very clear terms indicates that the actual figures are well within the knowledge of the Government of India. Sir, you might have also read one News Item published in the Times of India dated 18/04/2009, wherein the Ambassador of Switzerland, has said that No request from the Government of India is received by Swiss Authorities to know the names of Indians having black money being slashed in Swiss banks. This is indicative of the fact that since the Government of India is already in the know of the names of Indians having black money being slashed in Swiss Banks, along with their respective figures, there was no need to ask Swiss Government to give names of Indians having black money being slashed in Swiss banks.

Therefore, every Indian Voter has a Fundamental Right to know from the Prime Minister of India that (1) what is the actual figure of black money being slashed by Indians in Swiss Banks and other tax haven, and by whom? (2) What action is being taken by the Government of India, since the matter was raised by me in 2005, to retrieve the black money slashed by Indians in Swiss banks and to punish such Indians? (3) Why the legal procedures, including lodging of an FIR, were not adopted to know the veracity of allegation of 2 Billion Dollars deposit in Swiss Banks, if it was not adopted just because Smt. Sonia Gandhi is controlling the reins of the Powers from the Backseat Driving of the Office of the Prime Minister?(4) The qualification for the Office of the Prime Minister of India is described in the Constitution of India, but, contrary to such qualification, what was the need to grant a separate exclusive certificate of Qualification for the Prime Ministership by your good-self with regard to Shri Rahul Gandhi? (5) Whether such a certificate is part of a future program of Smt. Sonia Gandhi to replace Shri Rahul Gandhi, on your health grounds, after a few months of your becoming again the Prime Minister? (6) If Rahul Gandhi was detained in Boston Airport, then how can he protect the Integrity and sovereignty of India, from a Powerful Country Like USA, if he is qualified to hold the Office of the Prime Minister of India as claimed by your good-self, besides the very issue of his permanent allegiance to the Constitution of India, is still unresolved? (7) Why Smt. Sonia Gandhi and Shri Rahul Gandhi thought it fit not to contest my aforesaid Writ Petition, rather took the undesirable course to embrace the respective judges with the help of Your Government? (8) Whether the future of India would be ruled by Italians? And (9) whether India ’s Finance Policy will be controlled by Swiss Finance Minister and or foreign agencies like CIA or KGB through Backseat Driving?  

Because, depositors of the black money in Swiss banks and other tax havens, whoever he or she may be, are just Anti-Nationals and should be treated like rats. Since, I have raised pertinent National Issues, no wonder if I am liquidated by vested Political interests with the help of the Goons and it would just be my ultimate sacrifice at the altar of the defense of the sovereignty and integrity of the Nation. 

(Milap Choraria)

1 comment:

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